Lessons from Corona

No, not the big ones.. those we're still learning

The last week has highlighted a few more light-hearted observations.  


1)   We CAN do online!

GP surgeries have performed brilliantly in pivoting to online consulting in what was about a week – much to the pleasure of Zoom, AccuRx and other online providers.


2)   What do I wear?

Here’s a brand new problem.  You’re working from your own home and you have an important video interview or meeting.  Do you dress as you would for face to face, remain in your casuals, go ZoomNaked (as some have, not realising their cameras were on..)   What's the etiquette? Answers on a postcard.


3)   2 metres is a moveable feast

If you’ve been out for your daily exercise or occasional necessary shop, you’ll have noticed how to some people 2m means crossing the road, to others it’s closer to 2mm.    I might stick broom handles on all four sides to enforce my no-fly zone!


4)   Big businesses are big business

Big businesses are asking for bailouts, here and in the U.S.  Rather than ask their shareholders who’ve had handsome returns over recent years, the taxpayer (obviously) should bail them out.  The economy must roll on, shareholders must be rewarded..


5)  We adapt well to shifting baselines

Every day is the new normal.  Despite having our foundations shifting constantly underfoot, we’re showing ourselves to be an adaptive bunch.


6)  The environment is the big winner 

I’ve heard it said climate change created the conditions for Sars-COV-2 to flourish.  Whether that’s true or not, the planet has bitten back, and with it restored some balance to its environment.   Pollution is down, clear skies and cleaner air are here.. I wonder how long we’ll keep it this way?


7)   The NHS and its staff are AMAZING and heroic

      Finally, WOW.  Our frontline NHS colleagues, including many of us in practice but especially those in Emergency Departments and Critical Care Units.. what unbelievable bravery, dedication, commitment and, well, heroism.  Here’s to you all for the job you’re doing.  The country will forever owe you.  I clapped with everyone else last week.  AMAZING, ALL OF YOU!  Thank you.

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