Meet the makers! Laura Hamspon coach, trainer and course provider
Laura Hampson, is the director of Hampson coaching. She has coached hundreds of health care professionals and has now created new courses to help more people. We reached out to Laura to know more about her and the service she provides.
1. Laura, you once led the NHS Professional Support Service and worked in Business Improvement at Nottinghamshire Police, why did you found Hampson Coaching?
Life is hard and we're not always taught the skills we need to process the challenges it sends our way, let alone succeed and come out stronger. Having been through my fair share of challenges I feel that with the right support you can overcome any challenge and come out stronger, having gained new skills and new wisdom. Hampson coaching and the Wellbeing Support Service were both established to support people going through adversity. To provide both reactive and proactive support and training.
You can coach in a number of areas and I'm trained to do so, however when I went back to clients and asked them what they felt I had done for them, they said 'you have made me feel inspired' 'you have given me hope' 'you have provided the tools I can use in when I am struggling in any situation.' 'You made me feel like me again’...That’s a great driver.
Helping more people
I realised I had a passion for people a long time ago, I want everyone to feel like they can achieve and that despite what life throws our way that there are ways to overcome the challenges and shine through. Supporting people is my passion.
The wellbeing support service was born out of this idea and the realisation that I am just one person. Sometimes people need different support, like counselling or specialist learning support from our Neurodiversity expert. We are also looking to support culture change and provide organisations with the tools to create a supportive and open space where people can be honest about the challenges they have faced. Without this we know that sickness, retention and morale take a hit.
2. Your next course ‘Resilience and Mindfulness’ will run on 12 May 2021, what made you want to deliver this course? This is the result of a large number of coaching sessions with doctors over the lockdown period. It is non judgemental, aims to inspire and provides useful tools which can be put into action immediately.
3. What makes you different from other coaching courses?
My experience in the NHS coaching and training doctors means I understand and I use real examples. I am extremely passionate and go above and beyond to support people.
4. Are you planning to create more courses in the future and do you have any other projects in the pipeline?
I am currently developing a courses on the following:
Managing extremely difficult individuals in a supportive nature
Neurodiversity and the NHS
Sleep science and stress
5. Where do you see Hampson Coaching 5 years from now?
We will continue to develop and grow. As we develop new courses we look at what people want and design bespoke courses which help individuals and teams to work together effectively and efficiently with harmony.
6. What are the challenges that you encountered
Lockdown has been difficult, however it has given us the opportunity put on courses that can be attended from anywhere in the world.
7. Any advice / top tips for people wanting to build their own course in any subject of their interest?Develop courses which align with your passion, when you deliver them this passion will be seen and people will be engaged.
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